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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

this is just amazing .. Please read this - http://indianeconomy.org/2006/04/13/the-story-of-yeshasvini/

atleast somewhere something is happening


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

too cool..nice link

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to your blog through orkut and I appreciate the amount of social work you do. I have seen you at pratham organizers meet last november in bandra.. and seeing your pics in orkut I recollect u r the same guy. I also wanted to do some social but I am not able to understand how can I help. I rather dont want to give money which may actually not go to grass root level. I will join community named pratham in orkut. It would be great if you guide me properly regarding the same.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Rupreet said...

hi smriti, its so nice of you to lend an helping hand for a good cause..u havent given ur email id.. mail me down ur email @ rupreetsoni@yahoo.co.in
.. i will get u involved in best way I can..anywayss.. There are lots of stuff one can do..one can actively do publicity..one can write mails to big shots for their help..to social authorities..etc also we have computer knowledge we can make notes for small childern who want to learn computers..we can provide them with some basic knowledge ..we can convince our firm's to donate few comp which are obsolete and they gonna throw...we can help in many ways...one can work in weekends.. one can help them with building their websites...whatever way a helping hand can be provided.. thats the main funda..There are really innumerable types of simple help which can be provided apart from sponsoring..and thats what I am doing...

At 2:54 AM, Blogger Anuj said...

Hey good to see you are trying to create awareness about NGo's.

You a volunteer with Asha Mumbai ?

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Rupreet said...

thanks dude.. if we can we should ..thats what i feel..I am majorly involved with pratham..In mumbai I am involved with few asha volunteer's ,..nothign major as such ...,but in pratham I am actively involved..

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Prakash Shetty said...

Read the link...
The idea behind was really great with a very little thought but then it lead to a cause much much greater...man this is really inspiring

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi rupreet,
u dont know me. I am seeing you from months now and have even read ur blogs. Your thoughts are so pure. I would love to know u better. I have added you in yahoo.
Just wanted to know you more. .)



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