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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Life in Solitary

time passing away and I am already 10 days old in US. I have learnt to cook dal and alu ki bhaji in here through a colleague. I think cooking is easy altough one should have enough interest which rather is very difficult for me. Hence altough I am learning to cook but mostly I am living on frozen food. My project with GE Asset Mang. is going great and with so many R&d's to do I think I will be very busy in comning weeks but in anycase I will never work on weekends. This weekend I went to new york and checked out empire state building. It is a 102 floor building with a jet lift i suppose. It took 63 seconds to reach 85th floor. Man i was simply amazed. The picturesque view from top was simply great. I was accompained by navin..
(Intro - Navin Srivastava RAIT my batch and also my childhood friend working in Oracle in wilkes barre) . We stayed there for about one and a half an hour and were just thinking if one falls from 102 floor what would be the result and considering our pernicious minds we actually
tried calculating the duration of the fall .. but in anycase the view was just amazing.. I have clicked lots of snaps but still havent transfered those on my labtop. I will be giving the net link soon. Rest the comning weekend I will be leaving to philadelphia to my bro's place. Hes pursuig his MBA from wharton and hence I would be able to see the wharton campus. These days I am actually feeling very lonely.. In here nobody works after 5 and then I am all allone .. After 5 I really dont understand what I should be doing.. I am glad loitering around the city I came across a public library and was simply in awe to see their collection. That is the only time pass I am doing currently ... reading whole lot of books all allone in stamford sipping up coffee and waiting for the weekend where in I can go to meet my bro .. and one more update is I will comning to India this june since I have cut shorted my visit out here.. and I am really happy for that.


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oyee khotee,,

alu ki bhajiiii... bhai yeh kya thaa...i am impressedd u making dal...the burger guy ..guy who was so fond of mcdonald burgers..vashi rolls is actually making daal..great transition boss.. and I really liked but only issue is has someone eaten your daal..:)..just kidding..keep it up and come back in june and enjoy the mumbai flooding again


At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rupreet soni getting bored ..atleast now its a high time u should find a cute girl friend for yourself..


At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oye Rupreet
That was one of the most memorable blogs ever and most memorable trip. We fooled one of the hihgest secured places in the world, Remember the photo vanishing act. It was good to be there with you otherwise I would have gone mad!!! Wait I can't go any further mad than I am. Nice one makes you remember the fact India is best.

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Navin Srivastava said...

Rupreet created my blogspot too.
Check that out http://navinsrivastava.blogspot.com

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Rupreet said...

yes navin ur right boss..it was realy grt ..we will enjoy all our weekends..probabaly in june i will go back to india.. i dont wana waste any weekends out here...
this weekend w'll enjoy in philadelphia..
and jiten BHAI i had cooked dal that day for 6 people who came across my place for dinner.. well i didnt cooked that bad.. only thing was it was too bland.. :) ..

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

updates yowwss ..kwool loitering around the city..sounds fishy???
haa what r u searching for????
tell me... :)) good to see u r getting bored.. :)))
enjoy ur stay rupreet.. and take care

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

goshh man where r the snaps..and see "The DaVinci Code" u wont get pakaoedd .. Prady

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i just saw ur snap lookig handsome..u cooking food..reading books// loitering allone..is it US effect//.. :)) and how are US gori''ss firangsss :))) ..salle dont even see a gori.////


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

opps just read prady commenting..da vinci ///haha what was that???? Rituu

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Rupreet said...

hahah what was that prady??? ' da vinci code' havent even realeased..got curious on his comments I checked its releasing date .. some date in may///man this prady comments only few times but he always gives something diff... well pradyy what made u give such kind of comment ..anywayss iam going for 16 blocks this friday .. but i am still surprised prady

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rupreet.. "life in solitary" hahha...so is it like u r punished in stamford :))...thats really great..iam happy.:))..


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