hit counter script

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

this is just amazing .. Please read this - http://indianeconomy.org/2006/04/13/the-story-of-yeshasvini/

atleast somewhere something is happening

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

life in true sense is hard to comprehend

Life in true sense is hard to comprehend. Who controls life .. who controls happiness .. who controls sorrow.. life in true sense is uncontrollable.. These are emotions, which prevail in everyone's life ..all living has to pass through all shades of life.. but then too life is moving.. life is sailing with no predestined destination.

We don't know where we are ending ourselves ..we just try to make our life’s better. We parse through different stages of life.. some gives sorrow some gives bliss. Time rolls we get matured ..we thrive hard ..we make life better.. but we still don't know where we are ending ourselves...

we know what we want to achieve. We win it.. some moments make us happy ..some moments make us envy. life is still sailing .. still don't know where we are ending our selves.. we just know we are here .. there’s no control.. there’s no choice.. still don't know what’s the destination.. still don't know what is life..

life in true sense is hard to comprehend..

Rupreet Soni