Is being successful all about touching sky?
Why is that people only remember someone who becomes successful? There are tons who purposely don't become successful. (because of N number of reasons)
Success is an outcome of effort, right move, right time, luck etc.. but above all - A 'want', which drives one to be successful. This 'want' defies the meaning of being successful.
If I retrospect, I see tons of people in my life who were truly brilliant but they just didn't had that similar 'want' and that surely doesn't make them any less credible. Its interesting -> People follow/respect/remember/talk about only those few people who wanted to be successful or I should say only those few who had a yearn for being successful but people never realize that there are tons around who have the same capabilities albeit with different yearns or frankly with a different meaning of 'being successful'. Interesting!!!
Dear Rupreet
That is life and it is not fair.
VEry true !!!!
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I feel every person has tasted success in some way or the other. He/She goes through plenty of ups and downs in life to achieve a certain degree, a certain form, a certain amount of success, even without entering into the knowledge arena of someone else. And nobody even recognizes you for it, as the very term 'Success' is quite relative. What is success to one might not be the same for another!
And the fact remains that you tend to remember only the ones who surpass others in the rat-race, do something outstanding and leave footprints on the sands of time. One of the ironies of life!! :)
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