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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

An interesting tech revolution surging:

Few days ago, I read an article on Techcrunch regarding plan of Foxconn to replace human manufactures with 1 million robots. A complete article is at: http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/01/foxconn-planning-to-hire-1-million-robots/.
This led me to think on an interesting debate:

- Whether this move is proper and if yes then this would probably be detrimental for over 400,000 Taiwan laborers.
- And if this move is not proper then isn't technological growth getting curbed.

Which side would you take and why? On one side we are keeping foot on the income of 400,000 Taiwan laborers and on the other hand we are curbing growth which on the flip side may be truly beneficial for the company. Companies can't stop innovating, they just cant stop using cutting edge techniques in this competitive world. Its business at the end of the day... right? But is business growth good on the expense of laying off workers? Isn't companies should have human touch but then whats more important growth or human touch in a firm? Theres a famous quote which I remembered while reading this article "Technological innovation produces both employment and unemployment :)".

Interestingly, we will see more of this coming in near future. Everything is getting robotized. I always think that one can never stop technological growth though it can just be slowed. At the end, I truly think its education which can increase the merit of the person. Education would be the savior in coming times. Laborers are getting affected and even if ball goes towards the laborers, it will be just a temporary relief. Technology can never be gripped for long... I am personally not sure which side is better but I can see the wave coming which maybe dire for laborers in near future...We truly need education quicker than factories can retrofit with labour saving technologies and thats unlikely.

Its hard to say what will succeed: Education or Faster innovation?