Opened a new site
I have bought up a new website -
I will be posting all new stuff in that site from now on.
Do drop in to this new site and your comments would be appreciated.
Me? = Anything around Technology [Strategy, Business of IT, Leadership, Products...]
Rupreet's Blog
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011

Open Innovation is not always a success
Case : BP oil spill or the Macondo blowout.
Largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. (Killing 11 people and releasing 4.9 million barrels of crude oil ) Disappointed with the outcome of the quick response actions taken in the days following the disaster, the U.S. Federal Government and BP tapped into open innovation.
What went wrong with BP oil spill open innovation initiative?
Reason 1: Idea review and selection is as important as idea gathering.
With 20000 ideas in the basket, the amount of time required to review the ideas would definitely not be acceptable.
Reason 2: Alignment issues between the nature of the problem and solvers’ profiles.
Having analyzed more ways of reaching the right external skill-sets, this open innovation program would have been more successful.
Reason 3: The costs associated with failure are too high.
First attempts to solve the oil spill were not successful; BP started receiving criticisms. In such situations, one can imagine how severe the costs of dealing with another failed solution would be. This means that BP needed “The Best Solution” instead of having “Many bad, ok or good solutions”.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition ($100K_Entrepreneurship_Competition)
Link -
I got an entry for next round in premiere MIT100k$ competition. My business plan is
My team got selected out of 300 entries for the next round. Lets hope for the best to come ahead.
Rest my initial proposal for MIT Ideas competition:
is also selected. We have to give final business proposal on April 5th. Lets see how it comes up in next rounds.
Rest its all going very hectic for this week..assignments..deadlines..classes.and more over for me lots of competitions...
trying to finish up everything before I go to California on 19th for a week.
Link -
I got an entry for next round in premiere MIT100k$ competition. My business plan is
My team got selected out of 300 entries for the next round. Lets hope for the best to come ahead.
Rest my initial proposal for MIT Ideas competition:
is also selected. We have to give final business proposal on April 5th. Lets see how it comes up in next rounds.
Rest its all going very hectic for this week..assignments..deadlines..classes.and more over for me lots of competitions...
trying to finish up everything before I go to California on 19th for a week.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Winner in MIT, Samsung Innovation Challenge
My team came first in MIT, Samsung Innovation challenge. :)
Team - Rupreet, Deniz and Nirmalya
Concept - Samsung OneWorld
Guys lets keep the good working going :)
Friday, March 11, 2011 - My project
Cataracts are the leading cause of avoidable blindness worldwide. India with 32% of cataract blindness cases and Sub-Saharan Africa with 20% account for the majority of cataract cases in the World. With only one ophthalmologist per million people in Africa and a slightly better ratio of one in 100,000 for India, majority of Cataracts go undetected leading to avoidable blindness. Aulus Mobile is a patented revolutionary concept that serves as a portable kit to detect and elaborate on eye cataracts. It is a simple clip-on device that can be mounted on a mobile phone and uses a mobile app to detail out the cataract results of the subject’s eye. With the cost of just $4.99 as compared to the average cost of $1500 for the existing cataract detection equipments, this product will not only make cataract detection affordable for the masses but also avoids the need for doctors to detect cataract, thereby enabling treatment and prevention of cataract blindness, which accounts to roughly 50% of the world’s total blindness cases. In remote areas of developing nations, like Ethiopia, where ophthalmologists cannot be found easily (Ethiopia has only 95 ophthalmologists available for a population of 75million), speedy cataract detection is a far-fetched dream. On an average clinicians with the current cataract detection techniques take at least 15 min to detect cataract where as with Aulus Mobile it takes less than 1 min to detect cataract and that too without a doctor. Visit-
Our inexpensive, highly mobile cataract diagnostic technique drastically reduces the cost to detect cataract and eliminates the need for trained clinicians for detection
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